104 students move on to State Conference in April

Students at Paso Robles High School (PRHS) SkillsUSA attended the 2020 Region 2 Conference of competitions Saturday, Feb. 22, 2020. The competitions were hosted by Kern ROC in Bakersfield, CA. attended by approximately 1000 students from high schools in the region extending from the Central Coast to the San Joaquin Valley.  Paso Robles High School sent 126 students in 42 different competitions as individuals and teams.

PRHS students earned:  33 Gold Medals, 28 Silver Medals, 13 Bronze Medals.  These Medalists represent 58% of our students attending.  Those students who earned the “Advance To State” (eligible) to attend the State SkillsUSA Conference April 16-19, 2020 represent 82% of the PRHS students attending the Region 2 Conference.  Many of the students compete as individuals, however, there were 11 Teams (competitors in teams of 2 – 4 students) that medaled. In all, 104 students (individuals and teams) from PRHS will attend Calif. State Conference.

Students have been preparing in their Career Technical Education (CTE) classes since September 2019.  SkillsUSA competitors represent 8 of the CTE Pathways at PRHS. All of these Pathways train students in 2 to 7 different competitions for SkillsUSA in their CTE Pathway.  Challenging as it may be, teachers train students in various competitions that represent occupations the CTE students are preparing to enter upon graduation. Students and teachers view SkillsUSA competitions as “Game Day”, preparing for months for an opportunity to compete, just as they will when entering the workforce and post-secondary education.

The regional competition is held in 6 Regions throughout the state during the months of January and February.  Competitors who “Advance To State” will meet in Ontario, CA for Calif. Leadership & Skills Conf. April 16-19, 2020.  Gold Medalists at Calif. State Conference will advance to the National Leadership and Skills Conference in June 2020 at Louisville, KY.

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PRHS SkillsUSA students will be soliciting financial assistance to pay some of their costs to attend.  If approached by a SkillsUSA student, please consider financial assistance. The SkillsUSA Chpt. 211 foundation has been fortunate to receive great financial assistance from many of our community partners, individuals and local businesses.  Our local Chapter has been financed by this community for 17 years. PRHS SkillsUSA is very appreciative and proud to represent Paso Robles.