COVID-19 has caused anxiety in our schools and community. While local health officials have yet to confirm any local cases, we do not know how this will ultimately impact our county. Simply put, we are in uncharted waters, and the time has come to hit the pause button until we know more.

The safety of our students, families, and employees remains our top priority. As a precautionary step to slow and prevent the spread of COVID-19, and after careful deliberations with local school district leaders and public health, as San Luis Obispo County Superintendent of Schools, I hereby endorse the decision for school districts and charters to implement temporary school closures for a minimum of 14 calendar days. The following school districts, charters, and the San Luis Obispo County Office of Education have taken or will take governing board action to close schools and reassess as additional information becomes available:

  • Almond Acres Charter
  • Atascadero Unified
  • Bellevue-Santa Fe Charter
  • Cayucos Elementary
  • Coast Unified
  • Lucia Mar Unified
  • Paso Robles Joint Unified
  • Pleasant Valley Joint Union Elementary
  • San Luis Coastal Unified
  • San Luis Obispo County Office of Education
  • San Miguel Joint Union
  • Shandon Joint Unified
  • Templeton Unified

“I realize that a temporary closure of schools has a tremendous impact on our community. This step has been taken in the best interest of our students, families, and employees. Each district is taking steps to sanitize facilities, support the continuity of learning, and to ensure students have access to healthy meals.

“At this time, county health officials believe the risk of transmission is low, and there has been no evidence of a case affecting a student or staff member at a San Luis Obispo County school district. Our public health department continues to work with federal, state, and local partners including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and health care providers on preparedness efforts and to guide appropriate care for those who may be at risk for illness associated with the COVID-19.”

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Jim Brescia

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