Confirmed cases grows from 67 to 71 as testing ramps up and the community hunkers down

As San Luis Obispo County comes together by staying apart, the number of confirmed cases increases at a slower pace than the cases of fully recovered patients. Overnight, from Saturday to Sunday, the number of cases of COVID-19 rose from 67 to 71, while cases of fully recovered people jumped dramatically, from 13 to 24.

With nine COVID-19 patients hospitalized, and a reduction to only one in the ICU, the recovery process begins locally. However, there are no borders or boundaries to keep the coronavirus out of the county. While SLO County keeps number of new cases from increasing exponentially, health officials expect to be in for the long haul in dealing with the disease.

Compared to the rest of the country, California is currently faring better than most by percentages. New York is the hardest hit — with nearly 1,000 deaths to date and 33,768 cases. California as a whole has reported 32 deaths and 5,788 cases.

Information regarding COVID-19, including recovered patients, is still being collected and sorted into statistics to understand the full impact on the community and nation, and financial assistance is on the way for millions who have registered for unemployment and SBA Disaster Assistance. Everyone, including media outlets large and small, are putting together the narrative but the outlook is far from clear.

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Cruise ships around the world still await clearance to port, as they resemble microcosms of the continents they surf around — coronavirus spreads on the decks of the ships as it does on the streets of our communities.

Flattening the curve has flattened the economy, and economic outlooks are as uncertain as the longterm health of the nations around the world. What is clear, is the current condition is one of suffering as well as resilience.

Keep informed with North County’s up-to-date COVID-19 page