Paul Sloan steps into role as the leader of Paso Robles business vision

The Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce (PRCC) is pleased to announce that Paul Sloan will be joining their team as the new Director of Economic Development to lead the charge in their role as the Lead Agency for Economic Development in Paso Robles.

Originally from Paso Robles, Sloan has over 20 years of experience in marketing and business development, most recently serving as the global CEO for the national tourist board of Tahiti (French Polynesia) for the past 5 years.

Sloan has a master’s degree from the George Washington University School of Business in Washington, DC, as well as a professional certification in Destination Management. Over the course of his career, Paul has worked extensively with a broad range of stakeholders in the areas of marketing, strategic planning, communications, branding, business attraction and workforce development.

“The opportunity to work toward the economic development of my hometown is a challenge that is deeply rewarding on both a professional and personal level, and I am honored to have been selected for this important role.” said Sloan.

“In 2020, we adopted our new mission statement; ‘Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce promotes economic vitality, empowers leaders, champions businesses, fosters civic engagement, and honors our history,’ said Henry Elisarraraz, Chairman of the Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. We believe that acting as the catalyst for economic stability and growth is our true purpose and contribution to our community. I want to welcome Paul to the team. I know that together, Gina and Paul will continue to pave the way in this new decade to achieve our vision for a robust and collaborativecommunity.”

Over recent years, the Paso Robles City Council has taken steps to partner with the Chamber as part of their economic development initiative. “With this partnership, our purpose is to encourage business prosperity by promoting a healthy and diverse local economy.” said Gina Fitzpatrick, President/CEO of the Chamber. “This will be accomplished through advocacy, addressing local workforce development challenges, and directing information to our members and prospective businesses looking to strengthen, move, or start their business in Paso Robles. We are passionate about developing a thriving local economy and have the expertise and strategic partnerships to be successful and firmly believe that Paul is the right person to lead us in this effort.”

Visit For more information, contact the Chamber office at 805.238.0506 or contact Paul by emailing: