Vendor spaces are now available for the show happening April 23
PASO ROBLES — Vendor spaces are now available for Paso Robles Main Street Association’s Vintage Sidecar, British Cars & Treasures Show. This year’s show is scheduled for Saturday, Apr. 23, in Downtown City Park from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

This year marks the show’s 14th Anniversary after being canceled in 2020 and 2021. The show started after Karyl Lammers, Executive Director of the Visitor Center at Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce, visited a sidecar show in Griffith Park in Los Angeles. Her husband built her a sidecar, and she decided a similar show would fit in at Paso Robles.
“It has turned out to be the first event of the year that’s big in the park. Kinda gets everything rolling,” said Lammers.
Car collectors and enthusiasts come from all over the West Coast to enjoy Paso’s April weather, hunt for treasures and show off their cars. Lammers adds, “It’s always been a place where they can get together and spend the day.”
Collectors, dealers, crafters, and garden enthusiasts are invited to participate in the Recycled Treasures portion of our Vintage Sidecar, Recycled Treasures, Pre-1950 Motorcycles & Vintage British Cars event. Spaces are approximately 15 feet by 15 feet and cost $60 each. Admission is free to the public.
Applications are available from the Paso Robles Main Street office, 835 12th St. Suite D, in the alley, or from the website at The deadline for applications is at 4 p.m. on Monday, Apr. 18. Call (805) 238-4103 for more information or