Adding to the many honors Norma Moye has received in her career, the Hispanic Business Association named Norma as its 2018 Citizen of the Year. The County of San Luis Obispo and the California Legislature Assembly also added their recognition.
As part of the recognition, the HBA added that Norma’s influence and hard work has allowed Paso Robles downtown and small business community to thrive; and that the historic downtown she has cultivated and advocated to preserve is recognized as one of the best small Main Street towns in America.
Other honorees are Paso Robles City Librarian Angelica Fortin and Dr. Ahmed Nooristani of SLO Noor Clinic, which now has a location in Paso Robles.

The Small Business Scholarship Fund

Last year, Main Street awarded four $500 scholarships to local students pursuing careers in business. With your help, Main Street hopes to exceed that amount. Your Main Street Association is kicking off the effort by donating the first $100.
Mail or deliver a check or cash or call 805-238-4103 to request pick-up of your contribution. Make checks payable to Paso Robles Main Street (memo: scholarship fund). Give in honor of a student or family member who has enjoyed a successful business career.

Thanks to Community West Bank

Welcome to Paso Robles Community West Bank! The new branch recently opened on the corner of 6th and Spring Streets. With expertise and commitment to local business, they gave a $5,000 donation to Main Street to further their programs.

Springtime Saturdays in Our City Park Easter Bunny at the Holiday House

Saturday April 13, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Solarponics Water Heating Ad

Hop to It and meet and greet the. Dress up the kids and bring your camera. The Easter Bunny has a toy for you!

Sidecar Rendezvous & Recycled Treasures, Antique Motorcycles and British Vintage Car Club

Saturday, April 27, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Take a nostalgic look back to pre-1950 era motorcycles, sidecars and automobiles. Enthusiasts usually have their own opinion about which model and make is the best; many of which will be on display for a throwback to the simple, classic times.

The 16th Annual Olive Festival

Saturday, May 4, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Attractions include a mobile olive oil press, olive oil tasting, food and beauty p1roducts. The next day, May 5, some olive ranches will be open for tours. Prior to the festival on Friday, May 3, the Pre-Olive Festival Social Mixer is at Allegretto Vineyard Resort from 6 to 8 p.m. Contact Main Street at 805-238-4103 or visit for more information.