The concert is open to the public, and admission is free
PASO ROBLES — Concordia University Chicago’s premier choral ensemble, The Kapelle, will present their West Coast Spring Tour concert entitled “In Mercy, Lord” at Trinity Lutheran Church & School, 940 Creston Road in Paso Robles, on Tuesday, March 7 at 7 p.m. The concert is open to the public, and admission is free.
The Kapelle of Concordia University Chicago, under the direction of Dr. Charles P. Brown, will present their West Coast Spring Tour concert entitled “In Mercy, Lord” highlighting works by Bach, Persichetti, Schütz, Mendelssohn, Coleman and Rutter as well as works by composers from Concordia University Chicago — Thomas Gieschen, Richard Hillert, Jonathan Kohrs.
Beyond touring the United States, the Kapelle has performed for audiences in Argentina, the Baltic nations, Canada, Chile, France, Poland and Russia — and most recently in Scotland and England in 2019. For more information about The Kapelle’s upcoming tour, see