Dear Editor,

Open letter to Paso Robles Mayor John Hamon:

I must take issue with some of your [Mayor Hamon] comments in the letter you recently posted in the press. You said, and I quote: “However, without all the facts of this case being known, it is wise for elected officials not to make any specific comments at this point in time. For city officials to comment on these issues publicly may create liability for the city, which does not serve anyone.”
I agree wholeheartedly with that statement, which is why I am puzzled by your subsequent comments in the same letter parroting Mr. Ty Lewis’s “conspiracy” claim. While not stated overtly, your remarks appear to be directed toward me, which would be unfortunate and untrue.  
You also mention the need for transparency. Again, I couldn’t agree more. However, transparency cannot be achieved without all of the facts being known. Facts are stubborn things. Gathering all of them takes time and a diligent, thorough effort.
In addition, in order for an investigation to be complete, those who have important information must be willing and available to talk. Because of the legal action taken by Mr. Lewis, both my public and private comments have been limited. The reason for this is simple: Mr. Lewis has taken the first step toward filing a lawsuit against the city and against me.
While it would be satisfying to respond publicly to Mr. Lewis’ allegations, given the threat of litigation, I have been advised by counsel to refrain from commenting at this time. Mr. Lewis has fired the first shot. I will respond in the appropriate way, through the formal process he has initiated, which requires admissible evidence provided under penalty of perjury, rather than statements to the press, which apparently do not require any such proof and appear designed only to influence the court of public opinion.
I am hopeful that this process will not take too long. In the meantime, I trust that you, Mr. Mayor, along with our colleagues on the City Council and our fellow citizens throughout Paso Robles, will forgo passing judgment or rendering a “verdict” until all of the facts and evidence have come to light. In due course, all facts will come to light. Thank you for your consideration.
Chris Bausch,
Paso Robles City Councilmember, District 2


UPDATE: On Wednesday, Oct. 23, Hamon sent Paso Robles Press with a response to the Letter to the Editor above. You can find John Hamon’s original letter to the editor here: Letter to the Residents of Paso Robles: Addressing City Manager complaint against the City of Paso Robles

Dear Editor,

Councilman Bausch,

I did not and would not use your any other colleague’s name (unless evidence has been proven otherwise ) in association with a very real conspiracy group designed to remove our current city manager from his position of employment.

You are making me wonder with this letter, combined with your posture in public meetings towards Mr. Lewis, that you may feel in your heart that you wouldn’t mind seeing this conspiracy group succeed.

I do know that we are in this unfortunate situation because of two people, not one. 

Mayor Hamon