Two reminders for events that are coming up quickly. First, the Atascadero Printery Foundation will be hosting its Founders Reception and Annual Meeting this Sunday, Nov. 14, from 2 to 4 p.m., at The Groves on 41. The event includes refreshments, olive oil tasting, and an exciting silent auction. New Founders will be introduced, and an update will be given on the progress being made on the restoration of the historic Printery building. Anyone interested in the project is welcome to attend. Please RSVP to (805)466-1961.
The second event will be the dedication of the new Memory Walk (pathway), which is currently under construction. The Memory Walk will consist of four sections on the grounds at both the Colony Museum and the Colony Heritage Center.
The dedication will take place on Friday, Nov. 19, 3:30 p.m. at the Colony Museum.
A feature of the Memory Walks will be engraved bricks designed to remember a person, event, place, or celebration. Bricks are $125. For more information, please visit atascaderohistoricalsociety.org
Coats for Kids and Adults has had to make some changes in how we distribute again this year due to COVID. We will be working with some of our North County churches, who will help us reach out to families in need.
We received a wonderful, very generous donation of sweatshirts from Debbie and Tim Kopack and their sons Evan and Chris. They are all adult sizes, so we are in need of sizes for children from toddler to 6th grade. If you would like to donate new a sweatshirt, please place it in a plastic bag and include a note that says that the item is new and is for Coats for Kids. Drop the bag off at either of the Plaza Cleaners locations (Atascadero or Paso Robles). We will pick the donations up and see that they are distributed in December.
Please continue to donate gently used coats and jackets to Plaza Cleaners or Fashion Cleaners in Atascadero or Plaza Cleaners in Paso Robles. The cleaners will clean them at no charge. Volunteers will pick them up for distribution.
For more information, please call Barbie at (805)461-1234.
Here’s another pumpkin recipe for the holidays.
Pumpkin Cheesecake Tarts
For Crusts
1½ cups finely crushed vanilla wafers
3 tablespoons dark brown sugar
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
1 8-ounce package cream cheese, softened
1 15-ounce can pumpkin
1½ cup packed dark brown sugar
1½ teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
½ tablespoon vanilla extract
¼ teaspoon salt
1 8-ounce container frozen whipped dessert topping, thawed
Line eighteen 2½-inch muffin cups with paper muffin liners. For crusts, combine crushed vanilla wafers and brown sugar. Stir in melted butter; combine. Spoon one tablespoon crumb mixture into each muffin liner. Press onto the bottom of the cup. Freeze for 30 minutes. In a large bowl, with an electric mixer, beat cream cheese on medium for 2 minutes until creamy. Add pumpkin, brown sugar, pie spice, vanilla, and salt; beat until well combined. Fold in dessert topping. Spoon ¼ cup mixture into each chilled crust—smooth tops. Freeze 1½ hours. Remove tarts from muffin cups; serve frozen. Garnish with toasted chopped nuts.