Holiday eating makes us think of family and good food, but it can also cause us to have anxiety around health issues, indigestion, and the potential weight gain.

Thanksgiving, holiday festivities, and office parties can leave the gut feeling bloated and generally out of sorts. Whether it’s late evening drinks or unusually high-carb meals with lots of pie afterward, a celebration can end with unexpected intestinal consequences.

During the winter months, we may also be prone to wanting to curl up at home with comfort meals when it’s cold outside. When our bodies are being inundated with rich meals that we don’t often consume, our guts can certainly pay the price. 


Luckily, at The Natural Alternative, we have some great options to help you combat seasonal bloat, weight gain, gut upsets, and boost your immune system.

Ancient Nutrition & Enzymedica will be 20 percent off for the entire month of November. Products that we recommend you try during this time of year are Plant Protein and Multi Collagen Gut Restore from Ancient Nutrition, as well as Digest Gold and Acid Soothe from Enzymedica.

Plant Protein is proven to add essential nutrients we may be missing from our diets as well as boost protein intake.

Multi Collagen Gut Restore is a great addition to any routine, especially your morning smoothie. Adding a Collagen powder helps your joints, skin, and gut function operate at their best.

Digestive Enzymes are an absolute must this time of year for anyone that suffers with digestive upsets before or after a meal. Enzymes help to break down our food and populate the intestines with the tools it needs which can also help reduce bloat. 

Acid Soothe is great for anyone that deals with Acid Refluz issues or GERD and soothes occasional heartburn.

On November 10 at 1 p.m. we will be having an Ancient Nutrition Demo in-store and would love for you to attend. This is a great opportunity to sample and learn about the variety of amazing products that we carry from Ancient Nutrition, don’t miss out on all the fun!

We will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday and hope everyone has a wonderful time with friends and family.

Wishing you Health and Happiness, 

The Team at The Natural Alternative


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