Trustees add $20,000 to the One Time Funding for Music/Art/Drama budget

TEMPLETON — The Templeton Unified School District (TUSD) Board of Trustees met for its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, March 9, at 6:15 p.m. It followed their closed session, which started at 5:30 p.m. 

During public comment, a handful of parents addressed the trustees about how bad bullying, both racial and not, is in the school district before asking them to do something about it. 

Trustee Jennifer Grinager pulled item 5, Approval of Revisions to Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 0430 – Comprehensive Local Plan for Special Education and Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 0460 – Local Control and Accountability Plan, from the Consent Agenda. Once her questions about student committee members being added to the LCAP Committee were answered, the Consent Agenda passed unanimously.


Assistant Superintendent Ian Trejo addressed to board on the district’s 2023 summer school plans.

“We are planning or hoping, with your approval, to conduct a summer school at the end of this school year. To date, we have some information,” Trejo stated.

He shared the logistics of the proposed summer school, which include:

Dr. Gene Miller as program principal

  1. Templeton Middle School, Templeton Elementary School, and the Main Office at TMS as the locations
  2. Exact dates to be decided
  3. 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. (including lunch) as the time for classes

He continued that it would be invite first and request second and that there would likely be one classroom per grade from kindergarten thru eighth grade and credit recovery for high school. This was an action item, and it passed unanimously.

The trustee board approved the Adoption of Resolution #R23-11- Release of Temporary Certificated Employees, which released eight temporary teachers from their positions in the school district. They also approved the Adoption of Resolution #R23-12 – Resolution of Non-re-election of Probationary Certificated Employees, where one teacher on probation will not be asked to join the district full-time.

Superintendent Aaron Asplund then gave both the 2022-23 2nd Interim Budget Report, as well as the Continued Planning/Approval of Potential Uses for Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant; Art, Music & Instructional Materials Block Grant, and Unallocated Unrestricted General Fund Revenues, which affects school funding for future years. 

The trustees voted to extend the meeting until 10:45 p.m., which passed unanimously due to needing more time to finish going over agendized items in the middle of the item.

Before passing the Continued Planning/Approval of Potential Uses for Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant; Art, Music & Instructional Materials Block Grant, and Unallocated Unrestricted General Fund Revenues, the trustees added $20,000 to the One Time Funding for Music/Art/Drama budget. The motion passed unanimously.

The next regularly scheduled TUSD meeting will take place on Thursday, March 23, at 6:15 p.m.