I am writing this to express our support for the Kennedy Club’s decision to remain open for indoor exercise during the pandemic.  My wife and I have been members of the Kennedy Club in Paso Robles since we moved to the area 10 years ago, and, as a retired couple, we are in a higher-risk category.  That said, we believe that the safety precautions Kennedy has taken minimize the risk of COVID exposure.  Kennedy’s precautions include separating equipment; using signage to remind people to observe social distancing and to wear masks when entering the facility; requiring clients to sanitize the equipment after each use, and having hand sanitizer available at locations throughout the gym.  The main exercise room is a large space that makes it easy to maintain social distance.

We understand the risks presented by the COVID virus and accept that there is some risk every time we leave the house, be it to go to the market, pharmacy or  gym; however, we feel that the benefits to physical and mental health far outweigh the risk presented in the gym.  The Tribune’s Sunday editorial noted that Jordan Cunningham was representing the Kennedy Club’s battle to remain open.  Assemblyman Cunningham states that “There is no evidence that gyms have been a substantial source of COVID outbreaks or that they pose an unreasonable risk.”  Dr. Borenstein rebutted that statement by noting that “Research indicates that these are settings in which transmission of COVID-19 is more likely to occur.”  Dr. Borenstein’s statement would have been more convincing if it had contained details of transmission that has been traced to gyms.

Again, we thank Kennedy Club for remaining open during this pandemic and helping the community stay fit and healthy.

Dennis and Betsy Breckow