nic mattson, hayley mattson, bob chute, estrella warbirds museum

Nic and Hayley Mattson talk the crowd after being introduced by Bob Chute at a recent Estrella Warbirds Museum event. Courtesy photo

In 2002, I worked for Barnes & Noble in Las Vegas as the supervisor of the magazine section. Each month, new magazines hit the shelves and old ones were tossed. Part of my job was accounting for the sales of magazines. I removed all magazines from the shelves and tore off the cover with the barcode to send back to the magazine distributors. The rest of the magazine was free for the taking.
I started collecting magazines with great art — travel, musicians, quotes, landscapes, and people enjoying life. I used the magazines to create large collages or “vision boards.” I still have them, and if I look closely, I can see where those things I imagined back then came to reality.
That is not really the point right now though. The reason I write this now is because one of the quotes that I collected was from the author, printer, inventor, and Founding Father of the United States of America, Benjamin Franklin.
It is a quote that guided me for the past 15 years and will continue.
“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” — Benjamin Franklin
For a writer, it sets a high bar. For a citizen of the U.S.A., it also sets a high bar.
I feel fortunate to live in a community that lives up to its citizenship. Over the last month, I have been introduced to the outstanding folks that make up various groups that provide plenty of “something worth writing.”
From Estrella Warbirds Museum, Pioneer Museum, Pioneer Day, Paso Robles Rotary, Cancer Support Community, and of course my history with the student-athletes of Paso Robles High School and those who provide them an environment in which to thrive.
Seems like an impressive list, but it is hardly the tip of the iceberg of what makes Paso Robles the community it is.
I could go on and on about groups and individuals that contribute to the greater good, and I will add to the list as I carry on the PASO Magazine tradition of taking a “monthly look at our remarkable community.”
So many people in our community are doing “something worth writing” about, and it is a part of my personal conviction to produce “something worth reading.”
PASO magazine has a special niche that makes it a powerful tool for spreading the good word about great things.
Paso Robles is a city of history, tradition, hometown values, school and community pride, and a hard-day’s work.
I’m humbled and honored to have an opportunity to take part in promoting and publishing the things that make Paso Robles great.
If you have a story of something or someone doing something worth writing about, please don’t hesitate to give us at PASO Magazine an opportunity to write something worth reading!
Yours truly,
Nic Mattson

“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” — Benjamin Franklin