By Lynne Schmitz
The San Miguel Fire Department has been a volunteer group since it was founded in 1887. The Firehouse is located at 1150 Mission St., and longtime San Miguel resident and supporter Scott Young serves as its fire chief. In addition to their work as firefighters and EMTs, the volunteers are active in the community. They sponsor two annual parades, Sagebrush Days in April and Christmas Lights in December. This year’s holiday parade will be held on Saturday, December 21. It will step off at 6 p.m., marching south on Mission Steet, turn around by the Mission, and return — rain or shine.
This tradition is a big favorite with the families. They get to see both sides of the parade! As always, the last float carries Santa Claus. The Jolly Old Gent disembarks at the Firehouse on the return trip, where he welcomes children with happy smiles and gifts after the parade. Parade entry forms are available on the website (see below) and donations of toys for children of all ages may be brought to the Firehouse to supplement Santa’s stash.
Community members are welcome to volunteer their help. The volunteer firefighters also participate in the annual Season of Hope, sponsored by KSBY-TV throughout San Luis Obispo County. Donations of toys and non-perishable food for the charity may also be brought to the Firehouse.
During the past year, there has been an extensive renovation of the interior of the existing structure, which will continue into the New Year. They recently received permits to install a temporary modular building with facilities for both volunteers and sheriff’s personnel, which will be placed on the south side of the fire station.
A new, permanent building will be built on the north side of the Station. The Fire Department is always looking for new volunteers and offers an excellent training program. Interested persons may apply at the Firehouse.
The San Miguel Community Services District was created in January 2000 when the new district was approved by county agencies to consolidate four separate agencies. The CSD provides fire protection, water, wastewater, street lighting/landscaping, and solid waste services to the San Miguel area. Last year, the district set up a new office at the Machado Wastewater Facility at 1765 Bonita Place at the north end of town with Kelly Dodds serving as the general manager.
One community activity is to sponsor town clean-up days during the year. Other times, old mattresses and electronic waste may be brought to the Machado site by appointment for disposal. Early next year, a new water line will be installed between San Luis Obispo Drive (along the Mission Cemetery) and 10th Street, and another connection will be installed between the wastewater plant and Courtside Cellars vineyard on north Mission Street. An ongoing upgrade of the wastewater plant is in progress, and more projects to improve the San Miguel community are in the pipeline.
The CSD may be reached at (805) 467-3388 or visit
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