Be a blessing and share your horseman or horsewoman talents and knowledge with others this holiday season

The tarantulas are on the drive in to the ranch again this afternoon. They insist that there will be either rain or fog within three days. Yes, I know that this is often thought of as their breeding season, but it never ceases to amaze me when it comes to their predictions. The ants also seem to be out enforce.
How often do we pay attention to the signs before us? The Lord gave us many signs as recorded in the Bible, yet we often don’t notice or ignore them. Blessed.

Dorothy Rogers

Dorothy Rogers

The Horse and Man Foundation
Thanks go to and a caring workman for alerting authorities and setting up a fund to aid two emaciated horses known as “Bonnie” and “Clyde.” The senior Paint horses (not from this area) were seized and are being supervised by Sound Equine Options. The two horses are on the UC Davis’ re-feeding protocol. “Clyde” marked a little over a 1 on the Henneke Scale (measures body mass) and “Bonnie” slightly better.
I know that there are endless open hands asking for donations at this time of year. The Horse and Man Foundation donations are 100% tax deductible. The horses can’t give back, but I know that they will be grateful to any who help. You’ll know you helped to right a wrong and so will the Lord. Thinking about making a donation? Need more information? Go to Perhaps make this gesture in memory of a dear riding or work partner.
Horseman’s Christmas Wish List #2
Sharing your experience and expertise can last a lifetime. It can have a positive impact for the rest of someone’s life whether young or mature.
How about a first-time competitor’s guide with your personal insights? The do’s and don’ts for showing, what to expect, what to take along, what to note, etc. A map and directions to a show could solve a number of issues Interested in riding at night? Be aware, but it can be a memorable evening with the moon shining through the oaks and pines. It gives one a fresh perspective with a chill on your cheeks as you sing and smile.
Riding lights for you as well as reflectors on your horse’s tail, etc. will aid in safety. If you plan on caroling horseback, do so as a group and try to stay off of main roads. There are a number of products to help “light your way.”
A Gift That Keeps On Giving
Consider a donation to: SLO HEET (emergency rescue/evacuation), the scholarship programs of the Cattlewomen and other ag groups, Rancho de los Animales, Heaven Can Wait Horse Rescue, Cal Poly, Miller’s Equestrian, Animali Farm, Wranglerette’s, Paloma Creek Equestrian Center, high school rodeo, Little Riders, the Railhead Arena, 4-H or other equestrian groups (especially those setting up trails and arenas), youth scholarship programs, educational programs, library book/DVD gifts, trail system development or upkeep, the animal victims of war or natural disasters (keep Puerto Rico and the South in your prayers) or to sponsor a class or perpetual trophy to encourage those who are learning and developing while remembering your passion for horses (or a favorite horse).
Many of these programs are tax deductible, but check them out. If you need a little write-off, consider these options. Do your homework and be safe. If you have an older horse just standing, (well trained), how about having it considered as a possible Mighty Oaks animal assistant? These horses help our veterans with PTSD, etc. to merge into society. It is eye-opening and heart-touching to learn how a particular gesture, statement, encouraging talk or the kindness of sharing your horse and
your attention with someone has changed their lives.
Special Blessings
If you are lonely during this time, seek the love of God for you personally and you will never really be alone again. If you ask, He will not turn you down. Consider extending your circle of family and friends to include singles, the mature, or those otherwise left alone. Help make someone else’s holiday wonderful without expecting any real thanks. Attend a celebration of Light and discover a wonderful New Year filled with opportunities for service, love, growth and laughter despite (and possibly because of) what is going on in our world today.
From our outfit to yours, may you and your family (including your critters) have a blessed Christmastide.
Dec. 2 Final Open Breed Show, CCCAHA (hosted by an Arabian club, but Open entries)
Dec. 2 Paso Christmas Light Parade, “No Place Like Home for Christmas,” 7 p.m.
Dec. 7-16 Cowboy Christmas, 450,000 sq. ft. So. Hall, Convention Center Paradise Rd., Las Vegas, 9-5 p.m., free admission, more shopping with a western flair than you can handle in one pair of shoes or boots, during the NFR
Dec. 9 Ray Berta Clinic, $180 fee includes lunch, audit $25, develop a better relationship with your horse, Carmel Valley Trail, Saddle Club,
Dec. 16 Fiscalini Preserve Work Day, 9-12 p.m., Cambria, take along a hat, scarf, gloves, closed toed shoes, water, meet new friends & help with preservation of one of the nicest trail systems in the region, 805-927-2856

Thank you for sharing 2017 with me and others from the Horse Community.

From our outfit to yours, Merry Christmastide and Happy New Year!

Mid State Roofing Ad

Check weather reports and footing PRIOR to loading up. Please stay off of designated trails after rain in order to preserve them for the future. Most trails require at least two full sunny days to dry enough for suitable trail riding without erosion.
View: Ocean & coastal dunes
Access: Pecho Valley Rd., park in lot across from Camp Keep
Fees: Free, so far
Rated: Easy, but deep sand can be tiring for horses, go easy
Time Factor: 10-12 mi., 3-4 hrs. at walk
Trail: Single track, fire rd. thru dunes, may also ride on beach
Feet: Barefoot fine for most horses, but suggest shoes, some rocks
Dogs: Not on trails, leash in parking area, in vehicle if cool
Camp: horse water, take own water & food, reserved horse corrals, $7.50 non-refundable on credit card for camp plus $75/vehicle, primitive, click here for more info.
Overnight: Horse Camp advanced reservations required
Main Ranger Station: Spooner’s Cove, 805-528-0512 info.
First Aid: Ranger’s station, bring layered clothing, hat, sunscreen
Cell Reception: Spotty
Caution: Snakes. Multi use. Be courteous to hikers, mountain bikers
Maps: Ranger station, or
Participation: see above for trail clearing dates & events
Trail Directions: From parking, ride down the left side of rd. heading back out of park. Follow trail to left (by where surfers park at Hazard Canyon). Cross creek. Climb out of creek. Take the first trail right,
parallels road. Follow trail until see well-traveled trails to left.
These trails head to the back bay. Once near the back bay, find trails leading to the beach or stay along back bay. Makes a big loop bringing you back to Hazard Canyon and Camp Keep parking. For more options cross the road at Cable or Bloody Nose Trail.