The public is invited to provide input on proposed Draft Noise Element and Draft Noise Ordinance

The City of Paso Robles will be updating the Paso Robles General Plan Noise Element and preparing a new Noise Ordinance. The Noise Element provides a policy framework for the noise environment in Paso Robles, and identifies and addresses noise from a variety of sources including: airport operations, vehicular traffic, rail operations, industrial uses, and other point sources. The new Noise Ordinance will establish standards for acceptable noise levels generated by those sources.

The City of Paso Robles will be hosting its third Planning Commission “Study Session” for the Noise Element Update to gather resident input. This Study Session will feature a presentation of the Draft Noise Element and the Draft Noise Ordinance based on feedback received at the prior public workshops. Input gathered at this session will help with the preparation of the final versions of these documents, which will be presented to Planning Commission and City Council later this year.


Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Time: 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Location: Library Conference Center, 1000 Spring Street, Paso Robles, CA