Welcome to PASO Magazine EXTRA. Every month, we get hundreds of opportunities to shine a light on great things happening in the Paso Robles area, but we can only fit so much in the 50-75 pages of the printed magazine.
Each month, we perform the self-surgical procedure of trimming down our editorial content to fit the magazine with the intention of bringing the best info to our readers. For us, that is no easy task and we grieve each month about the loss. We knew we had to find a better way.

Introducing : PASO Magazine EXTRA

One of the ways we know that PASO Magazine can expand our offering of great information about local events and happenings, is to offer an online-only feed of great things! We will continue our focus on positive, uplifting, encouraging news bits to keep the community informed, and use our new EXTRA online section to present that information in a timely way.
We will get your news and information out there, whether or not it all fits in the printed magazine. Send us an email with all the pertinent details, and we will do our best to get the word out.
Email publisher@pasomagazine.com today, and so we don’t miss a thing, stick “EXTRA” in the subject line.

Solarponics Feb21