By Karyl Lammers

Paso Robles Main Street Association

April’s plant of the month is wildflowers. No matter how chaotic life is, when the earth tilts closer to the sun in April, wildflowers will spring up in the middle of nowhere, bringing pure joy.

Early in April the Moon is full. On Sunday, April 6, the April Pink Moon appears. The name comes from the common little pink flower, Moss Phlox, which begins to bloom with this moon. This is also the time when water and streams begin to thaw and fully flow.

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Are you ready to cure cabin fever after this wild winter we’ve just come through? Main Street opens the month with Hop-To-It. On April 1, the Easter Bunny is in the Holiday House, 12th & Park Streets in the City Park from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. (no joke). Bring the children for a visit and treats. 

Easter is celebrated on April 9 this year. This Holiday is meant to be a symbol of Hope, Renewal, and New Life. 

For the 15th year, Main Street hosts the Vintage Sidecar Rendezvous from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. on the East Side of City Park. Joining us in the park is Recycled Treasures consisting of Vendors spread around the park. It’s great shopping for antiques, crafts, food and much more. This year there will be a display of electric vehicles to check out on the west-side of the park. Join us for a fun day.

Hope you saw the almost full River we acquired this winter. It was exciting to see and remember when the Salinas River ran free from the South to the North (one of a few throughout the world). When full, it is a reminder of this beautiful land we live on.

Everyone loves Paso Robles. We were incorporated as a City in 1889 and have continued to grow a Downtown which has been operated by locals for so many years. This has provided that special feeling of hometown pride that you won’t find in most other cities around the USA. These business owners work hard to keep their businesses up-to-date and succeeding. The Downtown Main Street Association has been open and available to assist Businesses to effectively restore, promote and enhance the economic vitality and unique historical value of the Downtown while maintaining a friendly Community atmosphere for over 30 years.

There are four active Committees available to assist Downtown Businesses:

Design Committee

Here to assist business with consultation for improvements, planning and feasibility issues (codes and ordinances), seismic retrofits along with process and procedure matters. 

Economic Vitality Committee

New business recruitment through publication and distribution of materials downtown. Work to strengthen the downtown existing economic base. 

Promotion Committee 

Market Traditional commercial district’s assets to customers thru publication and distribution of materials about downtown. 

Organizational Committee 

Builds consensus and cooperation among the many businesses, clubs and individuals who have a role in the downtown revitalization process.

Our Business Improvement District includes a retail mix of professional services, banks, restaurants, wine-tasting rooms, pubs, retail merchants, and offices. Stop by the downtown office at 835 12th Street Suite D (in the alley), or call (805) 238-4103.

An example of one of our Special Downtown Shops is Reminisce located at the corner of Pine and 14th Streets. It’s one of the jewels of downtown. Jeannie Bork became a dealer at Sentimental Journey on Valentine’s Day in 2003. On April 1 of 2006 she took over the business and Reminisce was born. To quote her, “To say Reminisce is my Dream come true is an understatement.” There is so much talent under this roof. This is a charming “Village of Shops” and has everything from new and handmade jewelry to refurbished and primitive gifts, and of course, lots of vintage and some antiques.

This is a must-see kinda place. Stroll through, and take your time because there truly is something for everyone. Thank you Jeannie for the joyful experience.

Enjoy this beautiful world. Spend time outside, and don’t let the stress life can deal get you down. Walt Whitman reminds us to “Keep your face to the Sunshine and Shadows will fall behind you!” 


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