SAN LUIS OBISPO — Prescription Drug Take-Back Day is Oct. 26, and San Luis Obispo County residents are encouraged to donate all expired or unused prescription medications to their nearest drop-off location in an effort to combat accidental poisoning, overdose, and abuse in the community.  

Last year, more than 188 pounds of medications were returned for National Rx Drug Take-Back Day in SLO County. This year, The Haven, a local residential treatment center, is aiming to top that number by helping to get the word out and encourage people to participate.

The reasons are simple:

Expired or unused prescription medications pose a public safety issue, which can lead to accidental poisoning, overdose, and abuse.

The non-medical use of prescription drugs is the second most common form of drug abuse in America.

Unused prescription drugs thrown in the trash can be retrieved and abused or illegally sold. Flushing unused drugs can contaminate the water supply.

According to the most recent National Survey on Drug Use and Health (2016), 6.2 million Americans misused controlled prescription drugs that year.

“Many of our residential treatment patients’ drug addictions stemmed from abusing unused prescription drugs in their medicine cabinets,” said Julianna Fluitt, Executive Director of the Haven. “We want to decrease the chances of this happening. It can happen to anyone.”

National Rx Drug Take-Back Days are hosted by communities nationwide. 

For more information, visit the National Take-Back Day Website or call The Haven at 805-202-3440.