TEMPLETON — Templeton Community Services District’s Recreation Department is offering a four-week youth soccer program beginning Nov. 23. 

Skills and drills emphasizing fun in a purely non-contact setting will be provided to youth ages 4 to 15. Players will be assigned to pods and may be coed and or have mixed ages within reason to accommodate families.  

Sign-ups are open now through Nov. 13. The cost is $100 per player. The program begins Nov. 23 and goes through Dec. 23 with some flexibility due to the holiday season. The registration fee includes a pod play t-shirt and ball. Sessions will be held two times per week after school at Tom Jermin Sr. and Evers Sports Park, utilizing lights as necessary.

To register online, go to www.templetonyouthsoccer.org. You can email Recreation Assistant Ken Zink at kzink@templetoncsd.org. You can sign-up in person at the Templeton Recreation Department Office located at 599 S. Main St., Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.  

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For more information, contact the Templeton Recreation Department at 805-434-4909.