Standing Strong for our Community.
That is the message the Kennedy Club Fitness (KCF) Team sent to its gym members on Friday morning, Nov. 20.
As San Luis Obispo County moved into the Purple Tier on Monday, Nov. 16, KCF has decided to continue operating as they have over the last several months:
“So here we are, Central Coast…back to the Purple Tier with our county in regards to Covid-19. As a business, we here at KCF will continue to operate as we have been over the last several months…safe, clean, and supporting our members by providing a place of health, wellness, and exercise.
We consider Kennedy Club Fitness to be an essential business, and we hope you all can agree. We are not only here for your physical health, but mental health as well. In a world where certain things (like changes in career, loss of a loved one, anxiety, and simply the emotions that the holiday season can bring to many of us) don’t stop…we can’t stop either.
We are here for you…on happy days…hard days…real days. For the last 40 years, we have been here for our community. To help strengthen mind and body, to help as an outlet to life’s everyday stressors, and to build our immune systems…so that one day…we’d be ready to STAND STRONG for our community.
Thank you for standing strong with us, Your Kennedy Club Fitness Team”
According to Purple Tier guidelines issued by the State of California, gyms and fitness centers can operate outdoors only, with modifications. Indoor pools, hot tubs, saunas, and steam rooms must close.
Brett Weaver, a managing partner at KCF, said, “When we started hearing that we were going to go back to the purple tier, we decided that we would keep our indoor operations going to the best of our ability for the safety and convenience to help our members out.”
For over 40 years, KCF has been apart of the Central Coast community.
“We have been operating in a safe environment here for 40 years and shutting us down and random businesses, we can’t do that—we’re here to provide health and fitness to the community to help keep us healthy and safe,” said Weaver.
“We’re doing all those safety measures ever since we reopened, and we can’t keep going back and forth being shut down and reopen. It’s going to kill us financially. And other businesses are struggling too, how are they going to do that?”

Overall, Weaver says that KCF has received outpouring support from its members.
“Our support is overwhelming—our income has suffered—but overwhelmingly, we have a ton of support, and we hope that people can feel comfortable in our facility and start coming back.”
Is Kennedy Club Fitness only the first of many businesses to defy state mandates to keep their business alive and running?
Weaver hopes so, stating:
“We need more businesses to stay open. Otherwise, we’re going to be destroyed. Businesses are going to be destroyed, and it’s going to affect whole industries—people should stay open.”
Visit their website for more club info
Publisher Note: As Local Residents, Publishers, and Business Owners, we stand in support of Kennedy Club Fitness and their decision to remain “safely open.”
As Weaver shared, we need more businesses to stay open, or it will destroy our economy. Our small businesses employ local people and families. They are the staple in our communities that hold us all together.
Let’s all stand together in support of our local businesses. Our small community businesses are essential.
Hayley and Nicholas Mattson
Publishers of The Atascadero News and The Paso Robles Press