Units will be installed at north and south entrances to City in first phase

PASO ROBLES — The Paso Robles City Council approved the purchase of an automated license plate reader at its Dec. 15 meeting.

Included with the purchase of the license plate reader, Council approved a services agreement with Vigilant Solutions. The reader will provide real-time intelligence to improve situational awareness and keep communities and officers safe.

The license plate scanners will not intrude on private property, staff reported. Phase one of the ALPR project begins in early 2021 will the installation of units at the entrances to the City, one at the intersection of Spring and 1st streets and one on the north end of town on Spring Street near 36th Street.

There will be six cameras in total to capture vehicle traffic in each lane of travel.

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Phase two of the project will place ALPR units on the west and east entrances of the City. Annually, the City could expand the program by three additional cameras. Phase two was projected to begin in the Fall of 2021.

The ALPR purchase will cost $100,455 and be covered by Measure J-20 revenue.

Councilman John Hamon motioned to approve staff’s recommendation to “conduct a multi-phase budget development and adoption process that fully addresses the City’s near- and long-term fiscal realities and includes a spending plan for Measure J-20 revenues.”

The motion was seconded by Councilman Fred Strong and approved with a 5-0 vote.

Council delayed discussion of the Supplemental Sales Tax Oversight Committee Bylaws Update and Revision.

Councilmember Steve Gregory has served as mayor pro tempore for the past two years. Councilmember Maria Garcia nominated Hamon to be the mayor pro tempore and he was approved unanimously.

Two changes were made to the liaisons to Advisory Bodies. Strong will swap roles with Garcia and serve as the primary representative for the Paso Robles Downtown Main Street Association, and Garcia will serve as the alternative.

Mayor Steve Martin will serve as the Homeless Oversight Committee’s primary representative, and Gregory will serve as the alternative.

The next scheduled City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2021, at 6:30 p.m.