NSDAR Celebrates 71st Anniversary of promoting history preservation, education, and patriotism

PASO ROBLES — The El Paso de Robles Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR), received a Certificate of Recognition from District One Supervisor, John Peschong. “In celebration of your 71st Anniversary of promoting history preservation, education, and patriotism.”

Lisa Wood, Regent of El Paso de Robles Chapter NSDAR, and its board and members are excited about the certificate and of Mr. Peschong taking time to acknowledge their work.

Wood said, “This recognition is due to all the hard, selfless hours our board as well as our chapter members put in. Although we don’t do what we do for the recognition like this, I have to admit it is nice to be noticed.” 

The El Paso de Robles Chapter, NSDAR, was officially organized on Feb. 25, 1950. The executive board of the NSDAR had appointed Marie Appleton as organizing regent for a new chapter of the DAR in Paso Robles. The chapter was sponsored by the Los Padres Chapter, NSDAR, of San Luis Obispo. Seven local members of the sponsoring chapter would transfer their memberships to the new Paso Robles Chapter, NSDAR.

El Paso de Robles Chapter, NSDAR, Founding Officers: 

  • Regent Marie Appleton
  • Vice Regent Ruth Hatch
  • Chaplain Mrs. Elliot
  • Recording Secretary Mrs. Elliot
  • Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Adams
  • Treasurer Mrs. Raitt
  • Historian Mrs. Trager
  • Librarian Mrs. Anderson

Current El Paso de Robles Chapter, NSDAR, Officers: 

  • Regent Lisa Wood
  • Vice Regent Susan Howard
  • Chaplain Diana Brenna
  • Recording Secretary Linda Wood
  • Corresponding Secretary Sharon Wilson
  • Treasurer Teresa Terry
  • Historian Susan Clark
  • Registrar Betsy Beatty
  • Parliamentarian Lida Lucas

El Paso de Robles Chapter, NSDAR, is an active chapter honoring the nation’s ancestors who fought for independence. They are committed to volunteer service. Their chapter works as a team while learning about one another and our ancestors.

The committee is honored to contribute to the DAR and North County communities through historic preservation, education, and patriotism while making lifelong friends.

For more information on NSDAR visit elpasoderobles.californiadar.org.Â