Meetings are held in person and live-streamed 

PASO ROBLES — The next Paso Robles Joint Unified School District meeting is scheduled for May 10, with open session beginning at 6 p.m.

Meetings are held in person and streamed live via YouTube

The full agenda can be viewed here. Public comments can be made the following ways:

  • To speak to the Board during this section (or later during a specific agenda item), call (805) 608-4230.
  • To submit written comments, prepare 450 words or less and email to no later than 3 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Specify whether you are speaking about a non-agenda topic or about a specific agenda item (and give the title or number)
  • Comments longer than 450 words will not be read aloud but will be presented under the “Correspondence” heading and must be received prior to publication of the agenda packet.

Below is a summarized agenda of what to expect at the next meeting:


  1. Conference Presentation: Migrant Education
  2. College and Career Readiness: Paso Robles High School


  1. Approve Board of Trustees’ Meeting Minutes (T. Braden)
  2. Approve Purchase Order Listing (B. Pawlowski)
  3. Approve Payment Listing (B. Pawlowski )
  4. Approve Overnight/Over 150-Mile Field Trips (E. Haley)
  5. Approve Universal Screener (PASS) Three-Year License (E. Haley)
  6. Approve Update to Board Policy 6112 – School Day (Second Reading) (E. Haley)
  7. Adopt Board Bylaw 9012 – Board Member Electronic Communications, Update Board Bylaw 9310 – Board Policies, Rescind BB 9312, BB 9313, and BB 9314 (Second Reading) (T. Braden)
  8. Approve Renewal of Imagine Learning Contract (E. Haley)


  1. Acceptance of Donations (B. Pawlowski) 
  2. Approve Resolution 22-18 Piggyback Use of OETC Contract (B. Pawlowski)
  3. Hold Public Hearing for Input On the Developer Fee Justification Study and the Adoption of Updated Statutory Mitigation Fees on Residential And Commercial /Industrial Development (B. Pawlowski)
  4. Approve and Adopt Resolution No. 22-19 To Update Statutory School Fees Imposed On New Residential And Commercial/ Industrial Development Projects Pursuant To Ed. Code Section 17620 (B. Pawlowski)
  5. Approve 2022-2023 Agreement Renewal for Legal Services with Lozano Smith (B. Pawlowski) 
  6. Approve Cost Proposal From Big Wakoo Fencing, Inc. for the Flamson Middle School 10 Classroom Addition (B. Pawlowski)
  7. Approve Job Description: Community Correspondence Coordinator (J. Gaviola)
  8. Approve Job Description: Categorical Specialist (J. Gaviola)
  9. Approve New Job Descriptions for Expanded Day Learning: After School Programs (J. Gaviola)
  10. Approve May 5, 2022 Response to Grand Jury 2021-22 Continuity Report dated March 15, 2022 (C. Dubost)
  11. Consider Changes to Graduation Cap Requirements (C. Dubost)


  1. Sunshine Process for CSEA for 2022-2023 (P. Foster)
  2. Sunshine Process for PRPE for 2022-2023 (J. Pickard)
  3. Approve Update to Administrative Regulation 1250 – Visitors/Outsiders (First Reading) (C. Dubost)
  4. Measure M Update ( B. Pawlowski)
  5. Instructional Usage Data Report (E. Haley)
  6. Transition to Trustee Area Update (B.Pawlowski)
  7. ENGIE Solar Update (B. Pawlowski)
  8. Monthly Financial Budget Update (B.Pawlowski)
  9. Monthly Enrollment and Attendance Update (T. Harrington)