To ensure the health and safety of our community members, the City of Paso Robles is examining its programs and services.  All essential services are being continued, and all facilities other than the Senior Center are remaining open, with regular hours being sustained.

The City is implementing changes to City programs that involve group gatherings, as follows:

  • City Council, Commission, and Advisory Committee meetings will continue to be held, with social distancing practiced to the greatest extent possible. City Council and Planning Commission meetings will be live-streamed and available to play later on YouTube. In addition, a call-in number will be available for Council and Planning Commission meetings through April (and possibly longer). Residents can call 888-867-1694 and will be able to provide public comment via phone. Other Commission and Advisory Committee meetings, which generally have lighter attendance, will continue to be held normally for the time being with social distancing measures in place.
  • Library Services and Hours – The Paso Robles City Library remains open.  Access to materials for check out, computers, and wi-fi will be available but other services will be limited:
  • All Library-sponsored programs will be suspended March 16th- 31st.  Library staff are looking for ways to offer virtual programming that may include book discussions and story times.  More information will be provided on the Library website and Facebook page.
  • The Friends of the Library Gift Shop will be closed and the acceptance of book donations will been suspended from March 16th-31st.
  • The Library Study Center located at 3600 Oak Street will be closed March 16th-April 13th in conjunction with the Paso Robles Joint Unified School District’s closure.

YMCA childcare programs are suspended March 16th-April 13th in conjunction with the Paso Robles Joint Unified School District’s closure.

All recreation facilities, fields, courts, classes, reservations, and programs will be closed effective March 16th-31st. Parks locations will remain open as outdoor-only facilities during regular hours of operation. Restrooms will also remain open (with the exception of restrooms serving sports-fields).

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The Senior Center will be closed March 16th-31st, with the exception that the Meals That Connect lunch program will occur on March 16th. Staring Tuesday, March 17th, the program will transition to a meal pick-up program. All other senior programs will be cancelled until April 1st. Staff will be working in the offices and available to respond to questions.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or disappointment these closures may cause, but the well-being of our community will always remain our most important priority.

Please follow the CDC’s guidelines to prevent illness and continue to stay apprised of current information regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus) at

Keep informed with North County’s up-to-date COVID-19 page