Few Deputies and one inmate test positive for coronavirus
SAN LUIS OBISPO – After the announcement on July 18 that two inmates had tested positive, the Sheriff’s Office released a follow-up press release stating that the first Patrol Deputy has tested positive for COVID-19. The Patrol Deputy was tested last week after developing a cough and received results on July 17. The last day at work was July 15. The Deputy wore a mask in all interactions with the public. Public Health has been notified, and a contact tracing investigation initiated.
Affected staff were contacted, are being monitored for symptoms, and are currently quarantined. In addition, two more Correctional Deputies were found to be COVID-19 positive last week. The Correctional Deputies last worked on July 10 and July 11 and developed symptoms after their shifts.
Those Deputies had contact with inmates while at work and were required to wear a mask during those interactions. The housing areas where they worked have been quarantined, the monitoring of inmates continues as well as testing of inmates and staff per the recommendations of County Public Health. One additional inmate has also tested positive.
The inmate was asymptomatic and was discovered and isolated today after testing everyone in the unit where the inmate was housed. The Sheriff’s Office has recently tested more than 300 inmates for COVID-19, with 50 of those tests conducted in the past 24 hours.
This brings the total number of sworn staff members at the Sheriff’s Office to test positive for COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic to four, with the first case reported July 9. All staff are recovering at home. The total number of inmates who have tested positive now stands at three.
Publisher’s Note: The Paso Robles Press will continue to provide updates and publish information regarding COVID-19 related to the county residents for informational purposes. No information presented should be construed as fear-mongering, medical advice, or a suggestion as to how to respond to the pandemic or how to protect either your personal health or your personal freedoms. It is merely just information. Each of our readers are expected to research as needed to inform themselves about their individual health needs and responsibilities. It is our responsibility to bring you our readers the most up-to-date information and news.