Do you suffer from weight gain, joint pain, headaches, sugar cravings, digestive problems, fatigue, and disrupted sleep? Did you know that your daily exposure to toxins can contribute to these symptoms and more? Think about it. Approximately 60% of the food we eat is processed and we are exposed to hundreds of chemicals daily starting with your morning breakfast with GMOs and pesticides, milk laced with antibiotics and hormones and personal care products (deodorants, perfumes, makeup, lotions, etc.) that contain powerful endocrine disruptors that may upset your natural hormone balance and increase cancer risk.
Natural Altenative photo 2Our built-in detox devices such as our lungs, kidneys, colon, lymphatic system, skin and liver all participate in detoxification. The problem is that research points to an increased body burden of toxic substances. A build up of toxins contributes to poor overall health, low energy and weight gain. Some symptoms of toxins and body burden include a stuffy head, headaches, rashes, hives, reduced mental clarity, fatigue, digestive issues, weight gain, etc.
The 21 Day Purification & Weight Loss Program focuses on eating high quality food to nourish the body, including high quality protein, healthy fats and LOTS of veggies to support detoxification & optimal health.  Whole food fiber and supplements encourage removal of toxins and support elimination. Participants in the 21 Day Purification & Weight Loss Program enjoy amazing health benefits including better sleep, increased energy, and weight loss ranging from 10 to 22 pounds!!

 “After the first few days, I had more energy.  I could think more clearly, work better and sleep better.  I felt more balanced and lost 12 pounds!  I highly recommend this program.” ~Heess, MD

This program is more than a cleanse. It is NOT a diet. It will literally change your life by helping you make that shift to a healthier lifestyle. Let us help you get a healthy JUMP START on the new year. Join us on Thursday, Feb. 15 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. for a FREE presentation held at The Natural Alternative, 1213 Pine St. in Paso Robles. Call 805-237-8290 to reserve a seat! Watch for my March column on the many uses of therapeutic essential oils.

Cheers to optimal health!!

Bobbi Conner, CNC, ACN, MH

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only.  Please consult with your medical practitioner if health challenges exist.