Community members gather together at local events
The celebration of the nation’s birthday – July 4 – is a big one, especially in San Luis Obispo with events of all size taking place from small community parades to large day-long parties for people of all ages. Some events start as early as 7 a.m. and others run well into the evening.

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Join the fun at the annual Red, White, and Blues Bash at Vina Robles on June 30.
Vina Robles Vineyards & Winery will host its annual Red, White & Blues Bash on Saturday, June 30 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. It is a tribute to the summer season and Independence Day and will include an Americana barbecue lunch created by Executive Chef Randal Torres, and “boogie Blues and swampified rock” performed by the Cliffnotes featuring Valerie Johnson. Tickets are $12 per person and include one lunch. For more information, go to
Templeton really comes alive on the Fourth of July with its annual celebration. It starts with a pancake breakfast at the Templeton Fire Department from 7 to 9:30 a.m. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for children 10 and younger, and may be purchased in advance at the Templeton Community Services District office, Templeton Farmers’ Market, from any Templeton firefighter, or at the door on July 4.
Only 800 breakfasts will be sold, purchasing tickets early is recommended. The parade, sponsored by the Templeton Kiwanis Club, begins at 10 a.m. and will run along Main Street, ending at the Templeton Community Park, where there will be food, entertainment, music and games. For additional information on the parade, go to
Atascadero will celebrate the Fourth at Atascadero Lake Park on Wednesday, July 4 from 4 to 8:30 p.m. The event will include live Bluegrass music by Snap Jackson and the Knock on Wood Players, Little Black Train, The Blue Js, emcee BanjerDan, and Toro Creek Ramblers; family-fun amusements; beer, wine and vendor garden; boat, kayak and paddleboard rentals, BBQ dinner and community games. For info, go to, call 805-466-4086, or email The annual event is sponsored by and benefits the Atascadero Colony Days Committee. BBQ will sell out; get tickets online to secure.

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The community of Santa Margarita will host a variety of fun activities for the entire family on July 4th.
Santa Margarita Community Church hosts the community’s festivities with a small town parade that begins at about 9:30 a.m. on July 4 at the corner of H and Yerba Buena streets. The parade will go east on H Street and end at the park. For more information, go to
• Cambria at Shamel Park
• Cayucos State Beach
• Morro Bay at Tidelands Park
• Pismo Beach Pier