Imagine what it would be like to step out of your comfort zone and step up into the glorious, radiant light you came here to be. Sometimes individuals stay in a comfort zone because they don’t know that a greater-yet-to-be version of life is possible for them. They haven’t yet heard the Divine whisper. American writer Richard Bach observed: What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.
Last year we were all thrust into rapid change as we received the order to shelter at home to flatten the curve of covid-19. We all found our inner flexibility, even those who before might have been rigid and set in their ways, refusing to accept or adapt to change.
Just about everyone learned to use the technology that allowed us to connect virtually, which was the closest in proximity we could get at the time. A new world was born with new ways of being established. The tech-challenged asked for help and learned how to do what previously seemed impossible to them. We adjusted, adapted, and entered a world of discovery with curiosity and wonder. We knew that we could do anything for 14 days. We didn’t realize that this new way of being would be the way of life for over a year.
We can’t hear you, you’re muted, face mask required, wash your hands, and social distancing is a small sampling of what became common phrases used daily by everyone.
Reflecting on the way we adjusted inspires me. If we can make changes like that so quickly, maybe it’s possible to swiftly transform our belief systems, too, propelling racial justice and equality forward in an instant.
I believe that we are souls with bodies. Each of us has landed in the body temple we are in for a finite amount of time. Let’s spend more time exploring our inner realm, connecting with the Divine. When we move from identifying with creation to the source of all creation, we merge with the immutable power and presence of Divine Love.
It’s a change in mindset that allows us to move from victim consciousness to victor consciousness. A place to truly get and believe that yes, I am as God created me, in the light, in the love, in the glory. No longer thinking the world is happening to you, now you understand that you are co-creating with the Divine, building the life of your dreams.
Navigating the mystical realm of heaven within, it becomes clear you are one with this glorious Divine Love and have been all the time.
You understand you have a purpose on this planet, and you begin to live out that purpose with great jubilation.
Step out of your comfort zone and let yourself grow. The world needs your awakened presence now more than ever. Step up and into your magnificent, radiant self and be who you came here to be!
And so it is.