Candidate nomination period has closed; more candidates throw hats in for City Council and PRJUSD

PASO ROBLES — We have our final list of candidates for the 2022 November Election as the deadline to file as a candidate closed on Friday, Aug. 12 — among the candidates for City Council is current Paso Robles Joint Unified School District Trustee Chris Bausch.

Bausch filed to run as a candidate for District 2 City Council seat — formerly filled by Councilmember Maria Garcia. While Bausch is the only candidate running for the seat, he confirmed for Paso Robles Press that he has also submitted an application to fill Garcia’s seat as an appointed council member.

Garcia resigned from her seat on Paso Robles City Council on Aug. 2 after she notified the City Manager and City Attorney of a change in her personal residency, which precludes her from serving as a council member.


Garcia’s term of office was originally set to expire on Dec. 1.

Councilmembers met on Aug. 8 and determined they would appoint someone to fill Garcia’s seat and opened an application process, which closes on Aug. 19. City Council will meet on Aug. 24 to conduct interviews with qualified candidates. The appointed candidate will serve until the rest of Garcia’s term ending Dec. 1.

Paso Robles Press confirmed with Bausch that he has also filed an application to be considered as an appointment to finish out Garcia’s term.

Bausch currently serves as a PRJUSD trustee, although his term does not end until 2024. He confirmed that if/when he is elected to Paso Robles City Council, he will no longer be able to serve on the school board.

He provided Paso Robles Press the following statement on why he is hoping to make the transition to City Council:

“Having performed an excellent job for the past four years, Councilperson Garcia’s resignation took many of us by surprise. Julie and I have been proud to call District 2, Paso Robles, home since 1989, raising five Bearcat graduates who have gone on to successful careers. I was elected to the Paso Robles School Board in 2012. My ten years of experience as a School Board Trustee have prepared me to work with City staff, budgets, negotiations, meetings, and, most importantly, serving citizens. Similar to the City of Paso Robles, the School District has a $100,000,000+ budget and a workforce of over 800 employees serving over 6,300 students and their families. 

I have owned and managed multiple small businesses, some with over 50 employees. I am a fiscal conservative who understands that expenses should not exceed revenue. I believe in limited government that provides exemplary public service within well-defined parameters. Public Safety, especially fully funded Police and Fire Departments, should be our top priority. Economic development, public works, housing, traffic circulation, “purple pipe” reclaimed water, and the shared use of public spaces such as athletic fields with our schools are vital to the success of Paso Robles.

I have volunteered at Paso schools, St. Rose, Rotary, Old Timers’ BBQ, Paso Robles Downtown Main Street, City Council’s Housing Constraints & Opportunities Committee, Medical Marijuana Task Force, and Unhoused Population Futures Study. I look forward to continuing my service to Paso Robles.”

There are four seats already open on the school district. If Bausch is appointed as a councilmember, his term will be terminated, and PRJUSD board will decide to hold either a special election or appoint a new trustee to the seat.

This year the district has moved from an At-Large election to a By-Trustee Area. In 2022, By-Trustee Areas 1, 2, and 4 will elect one representative that lives within their boundary to a 4-year term on the board. Eligible citizens that live within those areas may run for office.

For 2022 only, there will be one two-year At-Large term elected. Any eligible citizen may run for office. All areas will vote for this At-Large term.

In 2024, By-Trustee Areas 3, 5, 6, and 7 will elect a trustee for a four-year term.

Jim Cogan, business owner/parent, has filed to campaign for trustee in District 1 against current trustee Chris Arend. 

Peter Byrne, listed occupation as retired, has now filed paperwork to campaign for the spot.

In District 2, Joel Peterson has filed to run for the seat with no contestants.

In District 4, Frank Triggs, who was appointed by the district as trustee in December 2021 to replace Jim Reed, is campaigning for the seat against two other candidates. 

Catherine Reimer, who is listed as a superintendent/principal, and Sondra Williams, who is listed as a registered nurse, are both running for the District 4 spot.

Three candidates are now running for the remaining at-large seat on the board. Adelita Hiteshew, Laurene McCoy, and Kelly Cooper are all campaigning for the seat.

For more information on PRJUSD Trustee area Districts, visit

And for more information on the General Election or to become a candidate in San Luis Obispo County, visit,-2022,-General-Election.aspx

On the ballot for Paso Robles General Election is the following: 

In District 1, current Councilmember John Hammon filed his paperwork to run for another term. He is running without any contestants.

Paso Robles Mayor Steve Martin is running for re-election against Paso Robles resident Michael Rivera.

For more information on elections in Paso Robles, visit