SAN LUIS OBISPO — The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Public Works will start construction to extend fiberoptic communication lines to County facilities in San Luis Obispo.

Work will be conducted on Stenner Creek Road and in downtown San Luis Obispo to connect to North County facilities through the Nacimiento Water Project fiberoptic system. Work began Thursday, Nov. 12. Work will continue Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. through the end of December. Refer to the attached maps for specific locations. 

Construction signs will be placed in advance of the work to notify the traveling public. For the safety of the public and workers, traffic may be subject to one-way controls with flaggers as required for each phase of the work.

Completion of this project will provide the County with a redundant and diverse fiberoptic route for data exchange. There are no expected impacts to County operations.


Baron Construction, Inc., of Atascadero, CA, has been awarded the contract in the amount of $199,540.00 to perform the work. The project is funded by the County’s Building Replacement Reserve.

For more information, contact Daniel Ambriz at 805-781-4253.