What a terrific month in Paso Robles — we could have filled two magazines with all the good stuff going on … so if we missed you this time, please forgive us and give us another shot. Send us an email or give us a call and let us know and we can make something happen.

Nicholas Mattson
One of the suprise invitations I received this month turned into a the strengthening of a connection with Francisco Ramirez of the Hispanic Business Association. I had wanted to connect with the HBA, and thanks to Teresa Sullenger of Framework (my neighbor at 1244 Pine St.), we were able to bond over the comedic and inspirational message from Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Michael Ramirez at the Paso Robles Republican Woman Federated meeting on Feb. 19 at Paso Robles Inn.
The message from Michael Ramirez was fantastic, and the women of the PRRWF were terrific — oh, and lunch at the PR Inn is always great … thanks Sheila and crew!
Looking forward, we’ve opened up some space for the HBA to submit a regular column to provide information about the activities of the HBA, and we are proud to be a part of helping businesses to better work through the network within the pages of PASO Magazine.
Really, March was a tough one with a short month to get it all ready for press — especially at a 68-page count. But after it is done, and I get a chance to sit and write my monthly letter, I get filled with gratitude for all the people that came together to make a great issue happen. It’s tough, but the more the merrier, as I get to see more of a great community come together on the pages and begin the journey to the mailboxes.
We have a great team here at PASO Magazine, and they rocked over the last two weeks to make sure we dotted every i and crossed every t. If you find a mistake, feel free to let me know. That is how we get better.
Our team is also growing. You will notice two new names over the last few months in Tonya Strickland and Sarah Pope. Both moms give us a great perspective on #momlife in their unique ways. I think I might take my son Mirac (rhymes with lyric)to Barney Schwartz for a “Dad Day,” all thanks to Tonya’s article this month.
You will also notice three new names this month — Tom Taylor, our “Flash History” compiler; Loretta Burke, our PRHS Rodeo connection; and our new Wine Editor, Mira Honeycutt. Each is filled with passion for their subjects and a part of what I like to call “The best publication on the Central Coast.”
After a month like this, I gratefully and humbly confess that I could not do this without you and I’m honored and privileged to work with you all.
I only want to do more 🙂 That reminds me, has anyone seen the Emoji Movie? I did not expect that.
Is it just me, or are cartoons getting better and better. The morals in recent cartoons like Emoji, Storks, Moana, Finding (Nemo or Dori), or pretty much any Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, or other major label seems to have caught onto a strong vein of moral storytelling with sophisticated allegory. Even the “bad guy” is not bad in the 7 Deadly Sins kind of way. The stories are more situational, with deep weaving of choices and characters that provide a natural backdrop of crisis, sacrifice, courage, and teamwork within a surprisingly believable context.
We love them … and the list is long. With a 3 and 5 year old running the house, I’m not sure we even have a choice.
I hope you love the March issue of PASO Magazine as much as we loved making it for you. Enjoy.