By Bec Braitling
Record breaking heat in July and August has led me to question my predominately outdoor based profession as a horse trainer. Being an adrenaline junkie, some winter sport like Luge sounds really appealing right now. We push on however, each day I’m impressed at how well the horses handle their ever-changing environment. Horse show season takes a step back in the hotter months, giving those of us that spend a lot of time on the road a small break. There is however still plenty going on in this fantastic area we call home.

Piece of Me Miniatures

We are so lucky on the Central Coast to have some seriously talented trainers, breeders, riders and horse enthusiasts among us. Paso Robles-based miniature horse trainer Bryce Baker is one such example. He has been perfecting the art of showing horses since the 5th grade. His early years gave him experience with quarter horses which led to breaking colts, working cow horses and starting Arabians at the Ron Bechtel Training Center. Whilst working with this diverse group of horses, he refined his A to Z of all-around horsemanship, allowing him to ultimately gain the knowledge and finesse it takes to work with miniature horses to make them champions. “My step by step training methods really TEACH the horse what I’m asking, using non-force methods… However, they are so much like teaching a child you have to teach the horse what is right and wrong. Always reward them when they are good and they will love their job for a long long time!” POM training center is a full-service miniature training facility. They offer a full well-rounded system that gets horses started and finished to drive or halter for
performance or pleasure. They also offer lessons in Combined Driving and even encourage joining the team at shows. Contact Bryce Baker at Piece of Me Miniatures or 559-920-6624.

Equine-Experience: The Place Where the Magic Happens

Nestled on a private horse ranch near Nacimiento Lake, Equine-Experience offers an unmatched opportunity to revitalize and reconnect with your potential and find your inner balance.
Learn from horses and nature on how to be masters of living, thriving to the fullest, despite life’s circumstances and obstacles. If you feel ready to start to shine a brighter you there’s a fun and transformative workshop on Oct. 6 in Paso Robles starting at 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. No riding is involved and no horse experience is required. Cost is $175 per person. Lunch and snacks are included. To reserve your spot and for more info go to or email

Wishing John French a Swift Recovery

Sending some good healing vibes to one of America’s leading hunter riders who ended up in hospital after a freakish accident while he was competing at Showpark Racing Festival CSI** in Del Mar. The Templeton based professional rider had just finished his round and was giving the horse a pat when suddenly the mare he was showing tripped and rolled on him, breaking seven ribs on his right side, puncturing a lung and spraining a foot. French, who runs Waldenbrook Farm, will be sidelined for a number of weeks and will sadly miss Derby Finals in Lexington, KY. Downtime for busy riders can be seriously tough, there’s only so much Netflix and book reading one can do!

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September Calendar

September 9: All Breed Open Horse Show, presented by Central Coast of California Arabian Horse Association. Located at Oak Park Equestrian Center, 2059 Carpenter Canyon Rd, San Luis Obispo.
September 15-16: Santa Barbara County Riding Club Fall Show, Earl Warren Showgrounds, Santa Barbara. SFHJA – USHJA Outreach – CPHA – PRHP Thoroughbred Incentive Program Awards for more info contact Lance 760-525-8933 –
September 20-23: Outback Cuttings at the Paso Robles Event Center. PCCHA, NCHA, CCCHA (sat only), show starts daily 8 a.m., spectators welcome. Contact or
September 21-23: Twin Rivers Fall Horse Trials, located at Twin Rivers Ranch, 8715 N River Rd, Paso Robles. Spectators welcome, free entry with food available to purchase onsite. Experience the excitement at one of California’s leading three-day event venues. Contact for more information.
September 22: Grids and Gymnastics clinic with Mary Anguiano. Auditors are welcome, Golden Hills Farm, 8455 Creston Rd, Paso Robles. Contact Mary at (760) 250 5707, clinic runs from 9am-1pm.
If you want your clinic, event or show to be added to the Hoofbeat Calendar please email