Provides for Youth Cultural Exchange Program

The Paso Pops celebration on July 4 at Paso Robles Event Center will be a blast for the public but it’s serious business for dedicated music students. Proceeds from the event, which is sponsored and coordinated by the Paderewski Festival, benefit the city’s Youth Cultural Exchange Program along with other youth initiatives. The evening includes food, music and a fabulous fireworks display.

The Youth Cultural Exchange Program was initiated by a Sister Cities agreement between Paso Robles and Tarnów, Poland. The program encourages the exploration of cultural, educational, and business opportunities between sister cities that share historical ties to famed composer and former Polish prime minister Ignacy Jan Paderewski. The curriculum also provides young musicians with coaching opportunities and free master classes with visiting artists.

Jeff and Gloria Hadsall are parents to two daughters, Noelle and Holly, both of whom have participated in recent Paderewski Festival Youth Piano Competitions and last year’s Paso Pops. This summer, the family is looking forward to their cultural exchange trip to Poland.

“Our daughters have been playing piano for many years,” Gloria Hadsall said. “We are continually struck by the amount of dedication and stamina needed to pursue piano at an advanced level. We are so thankful for the Paderewski Junior Youth competition, which has helped keep our daughters motivated and focused on piano throughout the year.”

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“I am thrilled to participate in the 2019 Paderewski Youth cultural exchange program,” said Noelle, who won first place in her first Paderewski competition at age 8 and returned as a finalist the
following year. 

“I’ve always dreamed of being able to travel to Poland,” Noelle said. “I can’t wait to perform in concerts, eat Polish food, and visit the birthplace of Chopin, my favorite composer!”

“I’m honored to be selected as an exchange student for the Paderewski Festival,” said Holly, a teen who has played piano for eight years and is a multiple-time finalist in competition. “I’m excited to continue my musical education in Poland this summer through master classes with distinguished faculty and performance opportunities at historical venues.”

“For five consecutive years, we’ve had the great pleasure of being able to watch our daughters perform along with other talented young musicians in the winner’s recitals at the Paso Robles Ballroom. We cannot express how honored we are to accompany Holly and Noelle to Poland this summer on this exciting musical adventure,” said proud
mother Gloria. 

“The Paderewski competition has been a great source of motivation for all these years,” Holly said. “I enjoy the entire process — from selecting pieces, learning and polishing them, to performing them at public recitals. I have grown as a musician, thanks to the Paderewski experience.”