When the voters approved a Supplemental Sales Tax for roads in November 2012, the City Council appointed a citizens Supplemental Tax Oversight Committee to oversee the revenue generated by the sales tax, and the road improvements funded by that tax. The Council wanted to have an independent body of citizens to ensure that all funds generated by the sales tax are spent on road maintenance and repairs.
At the October 10, 2018 meeting of the Supplemental Tax Oversight Committee, City Finance Manager Ryan Cornell provided a written report showing that in the last fiscal year (2017-18) the City has received $5,335,413 in Supplemental Sales Tax. The report also shows that in the last fiscal year the City has spent $3,773,119 on road repairs and maintenance, with the remaining funds committed to current projects.
Ditas Esperanza, Capital Projects Engineer, provided a report on the road projects currently in design, under construction, or recently completed. Creston Road is currently in design, as is Spring Street from 24th to 36th (the final segment of Spring Street to be rebuilt with sales tax funds). Sherwood Road paving was just completed and includes a new traffic signal at Sherwood and Commerce. Vine Street, from 32nd to Caballo (the dirt section behind Georgia Brown Elementary School) is now paved.
The Supplemental Tax Oversight Committee completed their review of the revenues and expenditures and determined that the City has continued to meet its commitment to the voters. Thus, since the tax was implemented, all funds received have been used for road projects, as promised to the community.
Updates for Supplemental Tax are located at prcity.com/557/Supplemental- Tax-Oversight-Committee
For questions, please contact Dick McKinley, Public Works Director at dmckinley@prcity.com or 805-237-3861
Oversight Committee Reviews and Reports on Sales Tax