Station’s current truck is 22 years old and has been experiencing engine issues, making it inoperable at times

By Maylia Baird

Contributing Writer

TEMPLETON—On Thursday, Aug. 1, local political figures and firefighters gathered to celebrate the Templeton Fire Station receiving federal funding for a long-awaited new firetruck.

Concerns have been stated for quite some time by Chief Tom Peterson that their current firetruck has been becoming more and more unreliable. The truck is 22 years old, and its engine has been experiencing issues for a while. Peterson noted that he had made many reports to the Templeton Community Service District: Once explaining how the fire engine needs repairs, the other that it was unavailable, and others explaining how they had to borrow another fire engine from a neighboring station. 

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When 19th District U.S. Congressman Jimmy Panetta was finally contacted, he secured the Fire Department a $1 million federal grant for the new truck. This was made possible because of a United States Congress program called Community Funded Projects, which is federal funding granted to local projects.

“This type of federal investment will not just be an upgrade but this [federal] investment toward a new fire truck will enhance our firefighters safety and their everlasting promise to be ready and respond,” said Panetta in his speech.

Several years ago, Templeton was at risk of losing their fire department due to lack of funding. Templeton residents were asked what additional funding was needed to staff the fire department 24 hours and seven days a week. Then, in 2019, Templeton residents voted and said yes to providing more funding to the fire department. 

“With nearly 80 percent yes votes, we all demonstrate the importance of our fire department to our community, and that is why today is such a special day for Templeton residents,” said Navid Fardanesh, President of the Templeton Community Service District. “With a new type 1 fire engine, our firefighters will be able to respond to fire emergency calls with an engine that is more reliable. We no longer have to see reports from our fire chief saying that the fire engine needs repairs and is unavailable or that we had to borrow another fire engine from another jurisdiction. This new type 1 engine will be the central asset for the safety and well-being of our residents for years to come.” 

The Templeton Fire Department is a small department that has struggled with funding challenges for quite some time. They have the responsibility of protecting a community of over 10,000 people and have been struggling to function with a 22-year-old firetruck.

Peterson has been in this department for 35 years now, and said, “I’ve never experienced shortages in apparatus, equipment, personnel and funding that we are experiencing today. As our call volume increases and our community grows, this new engine is a critical piece of equipment that helps secure the much-needed reliability and safety to our community and our firefighters.”

State Assemblymember Dawn Addis (30th District) was also present at the press conference on Thursday, showing her support for the station and expressing gratitude to the firefighters who have been working hard this fire season. 

“I also wanted to say thank you to the emergency personnel that are fighting wildfires — some of the largest wildfires across our state right now and I know our area often sends mutual aid and I just want to recognize the deep, deep work that all of you have done — the firefighters and emergency personnel here in North County,” Addis said during her speech. “We’re here to be a partner for the congressman, a partner to the county.”

Being a long-time Templeton resident himself, SLO County Supervisor John Peschong was there showing support for the station as well.

“It’s not always easy being on the CSD to get things done that actually happen, to take action to make things happen, and we’re able to do that working with the congressmen,” Peschong explained during his speech. 

He knows that the firefighters are going to be appreciative and continue to make a difference in the community with this new firetruck.

“I will tell you my personal first-hand experience as they saved my life; I know that they will be able to save other people’s lives in this community, and that to me is what this is all about,” Peschong said.

He added that he believes the fact that they were successful in receiving this grant shows the public that the federal government is capable of making a difference in people’s lives on a local level. 

Peterson told Paso Robles Press, “I think that this is a great thing for the community of Templeton that’s a long overdue engine for the community. We really appreciate congressmen Panetta’s office stepping in and helping us get that secured funding.”

Featured Image: The Templeton Fire Department, shown here on 5th Street in Templeton, will be getting a new firetruck after U.S. Congressman Jimmy Pannetta helped secure a federal grant. Photos by Derek Luff