SAN LUIS OBISPO — A Subway Sandwich Shop on Broad Street in San Luis Obispo was robbed at gunpoint on Sunday, Oct. 18, the second Subway in SLO robbed this way in the past week, according to the San Luis Obispo Police Department.

At approximately 7:10 p.m., the San Luis Obispo Police Department responded to a report of an armed robbery at the Subway Sandwich Shop located on Broad Street in San Luis Obispo.

The suspect entered the store, pointed a handgun at the employee, and demanded money. The suspect obtained an undisclosed amount of cash before fleeing the scene.

The suspect was described as a white male adult with a thin build. He was wearing a surgical-style face mask, a black hooded sweatshirt, and carrying a reusable-style grocery bag. The suspect was last seen fleeing through the front doors and possibly south on Broad Street.

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With the assistance of a San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s K-9 unit, the area surrounding the restaurant was searched. The suspect was not located at that time.

“This is the second Subway shop in the city to be robbed in a week and we are investigating any connection between the two robberies,” SLOPD officials stated.

Anyone who witnessed or has any information regarding this incident is encouraged to contact SLOPD at 805-781- 7312. Anonymous information can be referred to Crime Stoppers at 805-549-STOP.