Paso Robles Senior Center is requesting your gently used jewelry

PASO ROBLES — The Paso Robles Senior Center (PRSC) is preparing for its Semi-Annual “All That Glitters” Jewelry Sale and is calling on the community to donate gently used jewelry. Residents are encouraged to clean out their jewelry boxes and contribute to this important fundraiser, which supports the center’s free classes, activities, and events.

With recent funding cuts, PRSC relies on fundraising efforts to continue serving the community. Last year’s proceeds helped purchase a new water dispenser and table coverings. This year, funds will go toward replacing worn furnishings in the dining room. PRSC Coordinator Elaine Ernst emphasizes that all programs remain free to seniors because of these vital fundraisers.

Donations of jewelry will be accepted throughout March, April, and May at PRSC, located at 270 Scott Street, Paso Robles. The highly anticipated “All That Glitters” Jewelry Sale will take place from June 2 through June 30.


PRSC, in partnership with Cuesta College’s Emeritus Program, offers free art, yoga, and iPad classes, as well as one-on-one computer training, card games, Mah Jongg, Mexican Train, and more. Nutritious lunchtime meals are also available through Meals that Connect.

For more information, please call (805) 237-3880

Feature Image: Yvonne Lara (left) accepts a jewelry donation from Susan Bishop. Photo courtesy of Paso Robles Senior Center