SAN LUIS OBISPO — San Luis Obispo County is eager to get back to enjoying everyday life safely, and local health officials say we can get there by slowing the spread of COVID-19. 

“We are optimistic that SLO County will move forward into the red tier of the State’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy next week and that more businesses will be able to open indoor operations,” said Dr. Penny Borenstein, County Health Officer. “To get there, we need every person in our community to continue to slow the spread of COVID-19. We must stay vigilant.” 

Every county in the state is assigned one of four tiers based on its risk level related to COVID-19 test positivity and adjusted case rate. SLO County is currently in the purple tier with “widespread” risk of COVID-19. This is the most restrictive tier in which many non-essential indoor business operations are closed. 

Here is the good news: On Tuesday, the state reported that SLO County met the criteria for a less restrictive tier last week with a 2.9% test positivity rate and a 6.3 adjusted case rate (based on new cases and testing volume). 

However, there is a catch: SLO County must meet the state’s criteria for two consecutive weeks before moving into the red tier, at which time, more business sectors can reopen indoor operations with modifications. 

Local health officials and the public will learn if SLO County qualifies for fewer restrictions early next week when the state updates the California Blueprint Data Chart. 

What can you do to help us reach a less-restrictive tier?

• Wear a face covering in public. 

• Stay at least six feet away from people outside of your household. 

• Wash your hands regularly. 

• Limit mixing with people you don’t live with. 

• Stay home if you are sick. 

• Avoid crowds and large gatherings. 

• Get tested! 

For updates on COVID-19 in SLO County, visit or call the recorded Public Health Information Line at 805-788-2903. A staffed phone assistance center at 805-543-2444 is available Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to assist with COVID-19 questions.