October 2017 happenings
Most will agree, the best shift in seasons is from summer to fall, especially after this year’s hot spell. October in downtown Paso is all about History, Honey Halloween. Where else can you watch one of our country’s greatest parades, attend a festival devoted to bees and their honey, and Trick or Treat downtown!
On Oct. 14, the 87th annual Pioneer Day brings the community downtown for the parade, reminiscent of 1931 when it began. Take a stroll through the historic Carnegie Library in the City Park to see how downtown looked back in those days. For those living an often-hectic way of life while yearning for the camaraderie safety of a small-town community, it’s all right here in downtown Paso, every day, but especially on Pioneer Day. Refer to this issue for schedule of events, fun things to do and see and stories on the Royalty.

The Golden Oak and Honey Festival happens in the downtown city park on Oct. 28.
Shop Golden Oak and Save the Honey Bee!
Honeybees have sure created quite a buzz lately. Considering that huge honeybee colonies are dying out or being destroyed, it’s up to us to become educated and appreciate the work of these tiny creatures that are now ‘endangered.’ Whether you’re a beginner or experienced beekeeper, or just fascinated by bees, come to the Golden Oak and Honey Festival Saturday, Oct. 28 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the City Park. Our downtown Main Street Association and the Central Coast Beekeepers Alliance presents this festival with live observation hives, honey tasting, information on backyard beekeeping, plants, products for sale and entertaining kid’s activities. The Golden Oak portion features handcrafted arts and crafts, antiques, collectibles and other treasures.
Safe and Fun Halloween
Calling all little ghosts, goblins, super heroes and fairy princesses! Downtown Paso is the safe and fun place to Trick or Treat this year from 4 to 7 p.m. Since it’s a school night, come early. The streets will be safely blocked for the crowds ‘trick or treating’ the downtown businesses. The PR Youth Arts Foundation and Class Act Dance will perform. The El Paso de Robles Historical Society holds its yearly fundraising BBQ in the City Park. Scarecrows made by local classrooms will be on display at stores downtown. Cast your ballot in the store and win a prize!
Barrel Streetscape
With the organization, coordination and talent of Chairman Laure Carlisle, the Paso Robles Art Association, the Main Street Design Committee, and volunteer extraordinaire Tom Flynn, painted barrels will be appearing all over downtown. The first batch has been placed by Berry Hill Bistro, Refinery, Wine O’clock and Seigel’s Jewelry. It’s an on-going and gradual project with the goal of replacing barrels throughout the downtown and working with merchants to replant and maintain the flowers, shrubs and trees. The donated full barrels are cut into halves by Rental Depot. Watch for my new barrel photos as they’re placed! In the meantime, meander downtown and enjoy all our streetscape. And let Main Street know if you’d like to help!
For information on events and the Main Street program, visit pasoroblesdowntown.org.