Happy Monday everyone. We know this is a hard time for everyone. We are beginning our second week of home school with kinder and elementary students. We also have everything else still on our plate — our daily news cycle, weekly newspaper coming Wednesday, and Paso Robles Magazine coming next week.

We have been exhausted over the past 10 days as the coronavirus hit California and the U.S. and we know many of our business partners and local families are challenged with maintaining daily life amidst a health/economic crisis unlike we’ve ever seen.

Some of you have been through some tough times already, and your encouraging outlook has helped us believe we will recover well.

We are all in this together as we face this challenge, and we wish you the very best this Monday morning as you begin another week of this challenge.


We have tried to put as much on our shoulders as we can, and we are here to help as much as we can. We will continue to support the community through the sharing of information that is most important.

LOCAL BUSINESS: We have created an avenue for local business owners to post updates to our website about their changing hours or operations. We are working to get the right information out to help people function at as high a level as possible, but that information is changing daily, so our Business Contributor status is for those who need to make updates daily as things change while we handle the rest of our business operations.

COVID-19: We have a COVID-19 page dedicated to all the local and national links for info from the CDC, WHO, SLO County, and a map created by Johns Hopkins University that shows the local and global status of the outbreak.

COVID-19 Banners: Our Red banners are used specifically regarding the coronavirus breakout, increases in numbers or other news regarding the illness. The Green banners are used for news about support, supplies, or other information specific to our shelter-at-home and the recovery process.

COVID-19 Featured Essential SLO County

We are working all available channels to bring the information that will best help and protect our community, as well as keep us functioning and productive so we can come out the other side of this as whole as possible.

We have all invested our lives and livelihoods in a bright future, and it is up to us to work together to make sure that bright future happens.

A big thank you to all the heroes out there who are making sure supplies and essential goods and services are getting into the hands of those in need, and the healthcare providers working to support those in need. You are the human touch on the front lines against the health and economic crisis we are facing, and we are proud of you.