••KEEP••Rev. Rowley BW
Rev. Elizabeth Rowley is an independent columnist for The Atascadero News and Paso Robles Press; you can email her at revelizabeth@cccsl.org.

The month of February has long been associated with romance. In addition to being the month of love, there are also the Western Christian Carnival celebration events. There’s Mardi Gras, which is French for Fat Tuesday, a day of celebration and indulgence preceding Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, a time of sacrifice and fasting.

This month I celebrate the relationship we each have with the God of our understanding. For it is from that relationship which all other relationships blossom and bloom. When I love another person, I’m expressing God’s love that I feel within me. When I feel loved by another person, I’m feeling God’s love activated within me. I can love others to the degree I love my God, as the Self within all selves.

You can connect with this part of yourself now by stating the following affirmative words aloud: Today I stand in the luminous light of Love. I shine brightly to all I encounter, and there’s plenty to go around. I am loved, loving, and lovable. I am adored.

From this place of love is a beautiful opportunity to find something lovable in every person, place, thing, and situation in your experience today. Pay attention to what occurs internally as you actively seek out the lovable.

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As you contemplate the lovable qualities and characteristics of others, you vibrate at a higher frequency. Your mind is set free from the shackles of judgment and condemnation. You begin to see more of what you love everywhere, including within you. It’s all around you. Feel, sense, and know this love now. It also feels good and positively affects our bodies and minds to come from love and seek the lovable actively.

Try speaking these compliments aloud to others beginning today:
You have a great smile, nice shirt; I love your shoes. That was awesome. Your hair looks fantastic. I love your glasses. You are beautiful. I love how you did your makeup. Excellent presentation. I love your style. It is so fun to work with you. You’re such a bright light. You have a strong presence. You light up the room when you walk in. Your nails are so beautiful. Where did you get that necklace – it’s gorgeous? Where do you shop because I love your style? You’ve got a great sense of humor!

Now say to yourself:
I am strong, talented, gorgeous, intelligent, wise, charismatic, joyful, and fun. I am happy, brilliant, loving, lovable, and loved. I’ve got style, grace, finesse, and panache. I am grateful, forgiving, generous, whole, guided, gifted, adored, and cherished. And it looks like I’ve lost a little weight!

Your call to action is to spend more time indulging in your belief in God’s love for you. Let it rearrange your perspective on this thing called life. Science of Mind founder Dr. Ernest Holmes wrote, “Love heals, forgives, and makes thee whole.”

Let that healing power of love begin now.

And so it is.