It’s tax season, and people can be anxious about their finances. Offers that appear out of nowhere might sound like the relief that is needed as April 15, 2020 approaches, but beware.

Email IRS Scam
Beware Fraudulent Tax Offers or IRS Calls and Emails

Fraudulent emails like the one pictured below, are misleading traps that fraudsters use to obtain financial or personal information about people for use in identity theft and financial crimes.

Protect yourself by calling your personal tax consultant or bookkeeper, or at least getting another trusted person involved before moving ahead on the phone or online.

Fraudsters can be extremely urgent about getting information, and legitimate calls or emails about finances and taxes will not ask for personal information. Make sure you protect yourself against scams by taking ownership of your personal property, including information and don’t click links or answer questions that are not from trusted sources and people you know.