Thank you, Paso Robles!

That was Bob Chute’s first line in the first-ever Paso Robles Magazine in May 2001. 
You’ve probably already received the May issue with the awesome spread about Santa Margarita Ranch. That was a real honor to work on, and a real testament to the vision of Bob and Karen Chute when they endeavored the first-ever issue of Paso Robles Magazine.
PASO Mag Bob & Karen Chute 2001 Month-min
Now, 17 years later, it is still thriving and we echo that opening sentiment with full hearts. When my wife Hayley and I bought the magazine, we knew we loved what we were buying in the here and now, but it was the 16-plus years of history in the pages of the magazine that was a true gold mine … and we are heading into the past to bring you some of the great bits of history that has been preserved in the pages of Paso Robles Magazine.
Without further ado, let’s get back to Bob’s original introduction, and the vision …
“… to be able to produce a locally-focused, locally-produced publication and mail it to local homes at no cost to you, our valued readers. We truly love this community and feel unbelievably blessed …”
PASO Mag Bob & Karen Chute 2001-Contents-min
My wife and I feel the same way, and after eight months at the helm, we are only getting started. We look forward to serving Paso Robles for another 16 years of a locally-focused, locally-produced publication, mailed right to you.
Many of our contributors from the original magazine are with us to this day, and some familiar names still make a contribution to our growing community — Melissa Chavez, Chuck Desmond, and Danna Stroud were there in the first issue, and each played a part in our May 2018 issue … the first issue of our 18th year.
“I hope you enjoy Paso Robles Magazine. Number 1 has been a labor of love, I assure you. If you have any suggestions, comments or complaints, please don’t hesitate to call us. This magazine is for you, Paso Robles.”
We echo those sentiments, now 17 years later, from our hearts the PASO Magazine is a labor of love and worth every minute we put into it. Our phone rang just today with a reader asking for extra copies so they could send to family elsewhere.
We are a destination, a home, for those who love who we are and what we do here, and we are personally delighted to continue to share that with the world.
Thank you for the continued support for this special publication.
Nic & Hayley Mattson
Owners of Paso Robles Magazine