The name February comes from the Latin word FEBRUUM, which means purification. It was named after a ritual, like an early Roman Spring Cleaning Festival.  Guess it’s time to get busy. Have fun!

The event calendar starts with Groundhog Day on the 2nd of the month. This is the middle point between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. Since 1886, at the crack of dawn, thousands have gathered to do a weather check with the now famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil. He emerges from his burrow (with the help of his handlers) to make his much-anticipated weather forecast based on the sight of his shadow. If he does not see his shadow we have an early spring!

February’s Full Snow Moon appears on the 12th. Snow commonly falls more during this month than any other in winter. Some years, February has no moon at all.

Paso Robles Downtown Main Street Association hosts our annual Valentine’s Movie Night. The movie night is set forFebruary 16 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Park Cinemas. This year’s movie is the popular 1959 hit, “For the First Time,” Starring Mario Lanza, Johanna Von Koczian, Zsa Zsa Gabor, and a host of others. Tickets are $12 and include popcorn and a soda. Go to the Main Street Office or

The 14th of February is Valentine’s Day. The first Valentine’s cards were printed in the U.S. in the mid-1800s with Cupid (The Roman God of Love) and hearts (traditionally the seat of emotion). Pablo Picasso said it best: “Love is the greatest refreshment in life.”      

“Valentine’s Day is a love note to the rest of the year.  Graciously, it comes at a perfect time to be savored — that period of calm between winter holiday commotion and spring enticements.” — Jo Lightfoot

The heart is the compass of the soul. May your heart find joy in every beat!

February winds down with President’s Day on the 17th.  We recognize President Abraham Lincoln’s and President George Washington’s contributions to our nation. In 1968, the third Monday in February was established to give federal employees a three-day weekend.

It’s time to head to Downtown Paso Robles for an experience filled with vibrant cultural spaces, a variety of shops, and high-quality restaurants. We are blessed with art studios, galleries, and one-of-a-kind boutiques. Our historic library is in the center of our downtown park; the Park Cinema theater is across from the park. We have cookie tastings, olive oil tastings, cheese tastings, and a number of beer, wine, and cocktail stops throughout town. Come see what everyone is talking about.  

Petula Clark once sang about it: “The lights are much brighter there; you can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares when you come Downtown.”


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